Did You Know That:

-According to a representative of the Parks Department, sandboxes like the one in the Queens West park are "being phased out of city parks, because they are considered unsanitary."

-Department of Parks & Recreation's Chief of Staff Joan Armangrande has assured the Coalition that John Andrews Playground will not be turned into a parking facility.

-The Urban Development Corporation is now called the Empire State Development Corporation.

-The largest bench in the strip park faces the road.

-The widening of 48th Avenue will not happen anytime soon.

-The first building will have a 5-story parking deck that will face the children's playground across 5th Street.

-The retail section of the first building, with its back to the neighborhood, will face the waterfront.

-Queens West housing units at first may seem affordable, but the median maintenance will be $1,367 per month, and may rise to as much as $2,601 per month.

-The Queens West sign, displayed at the park, claims the cooperation of the Queens West Task Force, which includes Coalition representatives. However, Task Force members have rarely been in agreement. Furthermore, the Coalition has continually voiced opposition to the strip park.

-Tennis courts will be included in the private open space.

To contact the Hunters Point Community Coalition
Call or write:

Hunters Point Community Coalition
P.O. Box 1276
Long Island City, NY 11101

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Last Update: October 21, 1995